However, when presentation slides are cluttered, they make audiences work hard. Slide after slide with graphs, tables and bulleted lists often leave audiences puzzled and exhausted.
While many people can make slides, most have never learned how to design slides that communicate messages easily. Slides that are not well designed can detract from rather than enhance what you want to communicate.
Learning core design principles can enable you to quickly boost the impact of your presentation slides. Core design principles for presentation skills training include: creating a look and feel, using colour and typography well and working with imagery and space.
Well-designed slides enhance audience engagement and build confidence in your message.
While many executives may have done a PowerPoint training course, learning to create visually engaging slides is different. While we do mostly use PowerPoint to teach, the slide design skill you're learning can be transferred to any presentation platform.
If you want to create high engaging & professional presentations that move people to action, our presentation design workshop will equip you with the skills and knowledge to do that.
Presentation Design Training can be delivered as an off the shelf workshop or we can tailor the workshop around your content and the types of information you most often present in your organisation. Contact us for details on how this can work for your team(s).
Let's TalkPresentation Design Training can be delivered face-to-face either on your premises, or at our training facility in Oxfordshire. Alternatively, this workshop can be delivered online via Zoom or Teams. Contact us for more details
A few commonly asked questions about our training
There’s often confusion in business about what exactly storytelling in business is and how it can be effectively taught. It’s worth taking the time to see the answers to these commonly asked questions before you contact so you know what you may expect from our training and our approach.
Contact us if you have any further questions or would like to book a workshop
Let's TalkWe have delivered storytelling and/or visualisation training or crafted stories and developed visual presentations for these clients. Some clients have benefitted from both our unique learning and creative services