Storytelling For Influence

Move people to make decisions and take action

Interested in a Workshop?

Storytelling is a powerful way to influence in business

Everyone needs to be able to influence others.  

Wherever you work in a business or organisation, it’s likely that you’ll need to influence peers, leaders or other stakeholders.

Everyone is competing for time and resources, so you need to be grab attention and take people on a meaningful journey that engages and persuades them.

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Man looking at a laptop with graphs and various graphs of data on the wall.

Stories make sense and engage emotionally

Storytelling connects more deeply with people

You might need to convince leaders to invest in a new product, project, technology and so on or persuade peers to take a particular action.

Stories need to embody context, make sense and engage emotionally. People embrace a message differently when it is wrapped up in an persuasive story.

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Stories move people towards decisions and actions

Stories help others to see what you see.

Stories move people literally as well as metaphorically. Often, you’ll want your audience to make a decision or take a particular action.

Well-crafted stories reach people in a way that intellectual communication simply cannot. Storytelling boosts the likelihood of getting your desired response.

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customised for your business

Storytelling For Influence draws on our storytelling models and methodologies developed over more than a decade. Crucially, our programmes are customised so that participants learn to tell stories in the context of their own work.

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I woman tailor holding cotton reels in a heart shape to depict custom workshops

How the workshop works

Storytelling for Influence can be run either as a lighter, standardised workshop or as a customised workshop with deeper learning and relevance to specific contexts. We begin with a conversation to discuss the learning needs of your group and agree on the best route for them. Participants learn techniques to craft and tell stories that engage, inspire and persuade their stakeholders to make decisions or take action. We would be delighted to discuss your Storytelling for Influence needs.

Flexible delivery

Storytelling for Influence is suitable for small groups and can be run for individual teams or can work well as an academy course. Storytelling for Influence can be delivered face-to-face either at your premises, or at our training facility in Oxfordshire. Alternatively, the workshop can be delivered online via Zoom or Teams. Contact us for more details.


Storytelling For Leaders


Every leader needs to be able to tell compelling stories in many contexts, to engage, inspire and influence others. If you’d like to learn to tell impactful leadership stories, we’d be delighted to help, so please get in touch.

Storytelling For Sales Pitching


Storytelling is the best way to get customers excited about your services or products. If you’d like your sales or pitch team(s) to learn a novel way to persuade customers, we’d be delighted to help, so please get in touch.

Storytelling With Data


Data becomes more valuable once it has been mined for actionable insights and crafted into illuminating stories. If you’d like your team(s) to learn to craft stories with data, we’d be delighted to help, so please get in touch.

You can see our full range of workshops here

A few commonly asked questions about our training

There’s often confusion in business about what exactly storytelling in business is and how it can be effectively taught. It’s worth taking the time to see the answers to these commonly
asked questions before you contact so you know what you may expect from our training and our approach.

Why do you run so many different storytelling workshops?

Storytelling in business is a powerful skill. We have found that people need to learn storytelling skills within the context of their day-to-day work. We offer context relevant courses that enable participants to apply their new-found storytelling skills to their work right away. Please get in touch to discuss your group's learning needs.

Can we have a workshop that includes content from two different workshops?

Yes, we often blend workshop modules so that we address a range of learning needs in a workshop programme. You may need a longer workshop to accommodate all elements. In some cases, two programmes differ so much that they need to be run separately. Please get in touch to discuss your group's learning needs.

How does Storytelling with Data differ from Data Visualisation?

These two programmes are completely different, yet highly complementary. Storytelling with Data focuses on learning to discover, craft and tell insightful and persuasive stories with data. Data Visualisation focusses on learning to bring data to life visually so that the insights conveyed from graphs, tables, or infographics are clear and easy to grasp. Since these two workshops are highly complementary, many clients book both to support their teams. Please get in touch to discuss your group's learning needs.

Can you provide training for a large group of people?

While most of our workshops are suitable for smaller groups, we can and do run workshops for larger groups too, depending on the context. Please get in touch to discuss your group's learning needs.

We have a limited time for training, do you run shorter workshops?

The more time you allocate to training, the deeper the learning will be. While we recommend a minimum of a day for most of our workshops to support participant learning, we can and do run shorter sessions in certain situations. Please get in touch to discuss your group's learning needs.

Contact us if you have any further questions or would like to book a workshop

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A selection OF our wonderful clients

We have delivered storytelling and/or visualisation training or crafted stories and developed visual presentations for these clients. Some clients have benefitted from both our unique learning and creative services