From creating digital services to more tangible products, most technology designers and developers love what they do. They speak with each other in a language that few others understand.
The trouble begins when technologists attempt to enthuse others about their innovations. They wonder why their audience may be baffled.
The users of technology (or even the investors) rarely care about what is going on inside the proverbial black box. However, they care enormously about how the technology solves problems or enriches people’s lives.
Technology storytelling enables you to speak about your technology within everyday user contexts.
When people appreciate its benefits, your innovation becomes meaningful to them. Stories help people to appreciate how your technology can support them.
Storytelling cuts through confusion and creates enthusiasm and desire.
Storytelling For Technology draws on our unique storytelling models and methodologies developed over more than a decade. Crucially, our programmes are customised so that participants learn to tell stories in the context of their own work.
Let's TalkTechnology Storytelling is a customised workshop, so we begin with a conversation to discuss the learning needs of your group(s). During the workshop, drawing on our unique storytelling approaches, participants learn to discover, craft and tell stories that bring technology to life. Participants learn to use storytelling to make the benefits of their technology exciting and meaningful for their audiences. We would be delighted to discuss your Technology Storytelling needs.
Technology Storytelling is suitable for small groups who work within a similar technology context. Delivery can be face-to-face either on your premises, or at our training facility in Oxfordshire. Alternatively, the workshop can be delivered online via Zoom or Teams. Contact us for more details.
A few commonly asked questions about our training
There’s often confusion in business about what exactly storytelling in business is and how it can be effectively taught. It’s worth taking the time to see the answers to these commonly asked questions before you contact so you know what you may expect from our training and our approach.
Contact us if you have any further questions or would like to book a workshop
Let's TalkWe have delivered storytelling and/or visualisation training or crafted stories and developed visual presentations for these clients. Some clients have benefitted from both our unique learning and creative services